Unlock the Secrets of Your Soul's Journey

Akashic Record Reading Session

An Akashic Record Reading is a spiritual practice that involves accessing the energetic records of your soul's past, present, and potential futures. Through a guided session, you can uncover hidden patterns, gain clarity on life's questions, and receive guidance from higher realms.



The Akashic Records are a spiritual archive of every soul's journey through time. By accessing these records, you can gain profound insights into your life's purpose, challenges, and potential.

I am a certified Akashic Record Reader with years of experience. I am dedicated to guiding individuals on profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening through the ancient wisdom of the Akashic Records.

Let me help you uncover the hidden truths and potentials within your soul, leading you towards a life of clarity, purpose, and fulfillment.

How Can Akashic Record Reading Reveal Life's Mysteries?

Unlocking the Akashic Records can bring profound insights and transformative benefits to your life. Here are six key advantages of engaging in an Akashic Record Reading.

Know Your Life's Purpose

Discover the deeper meaning and purpose of your life. Understand your soul's mission and how it aligns with your current experiences and aspirations.

Understand Karmic Patterns

Identify and break free from recurring patterns and challenges that may have roots in past lives. This awareness can lead to personal growth and transformation.

Heal Past Life Traumas

Access and heal unresolved traumas from past lives that may be affecting your current life. This healing can bring emotional relief and a sense of closure.

Receive Guidance on Current Challenges

Obtain specific advice and guidance on personal, professional, and spiritual issues you are facing. The insights from the Akashic Records can help you make informed decisions and overcome obstacles.

Enhance Personal Growth

Deepen your self-awareness and spiritual connection. Regular readings can support your ongoing journey of personal and spiritual evolution, helping you align more closely with your Higher Self.

Improve Relationships

Gain a deeper understanding of your relationships and the dynamics at play. Learn how to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and create more harmonious connections with others.

What to Expect During a Session

Before your Akashic Record Reading session, it's helpful to understand what the session entails. Each session is a sacred and personalized experience designed to facilitate deep introspection and spiritual growth.

Understanding what to expect during your Akashic Record Reading session enables you to approach the experience with openness, curiosity, and a readiness to receive the wisdom that awaits within the records.

Here's what you can expect during your Akashic Record Reading session:

  • Introduction and intention setting
  • Reading and interpretation of the records
  • Discussion and integration of insights
  • Tailored remedies and actionable steps
  • Q&A and closure
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How It Works


Book a Slot

Choose a convenient time for your Akashic Record Reading session using the calendar below. You will receive a confirmation email with all the essential details to secure your spot.

Get Meeting Details

The session will be conducted over Zoom as a video meeting. Shortly after booking, you'll receive an email with the Zoom link for your session.

Attend the Session

Join the Zoom meeting at the scheduled time for your session. The session will be recorded, and you will receive the recording afterward to revisit the insights and guidance shared.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do I see the term “Akashic records” suddenly everywhere?

Suddenly you see a lot of data about Akashic Records! Many ads are referring or your feed is showing Akashic records or out of nowhere your friend or a total stranger is talking about Akashic records? All these are signs that Akasha is calling you. Akashic Records are the most intelligent systems. They know when the time is right, they start pulling you towards your records. If you are feeling called, trust your inner guidance and delve into the vastness of your soul record also known as Akashic Record.

2. What can I ask in Akashic Record?

Right question is the most important part of Akashic Records Reading. More than curiosity about the future, you should have the intention to know the root cause of your current situation.

Phrase your question to get “How”, “What”, or “Why” of your problems. Finding answers in yes/no will not be possible. Because Divine beings never override your free will. No one takes decisions on your behalf. Whether you should marry the person or not is your free will. But will it be good or not that can be seen. So, instead of asking should I marry this person or not? Rephrase it like, how is my life after marrying this person or what is my karmic connection with this person?

3. In what form do I receive the answers?

Answers are received in various forms like signs, symbols, events, etc. You receive what is most important for your soul at that point of time. You might get surprised with what you receive. Many souls who reached me got amazing answers which they were not even thinking of. They were much deep rooted and connected to their own lifepath.

Trust the Akasha and its divine guidance. You are always safe and guarded.

4. My spouse/any other person is the cause of my misery, he/she is not giving permission to access. Can I access his/her records without a need of their permission?

No, do not create further karmic entanglement with anyone. We can still answer the cause of your trouble and figure out remedies through your records. We will get guidance as to how to handle your own situation, protect energy, receive healing and clear soul contracts and vows, and actions you can take for your own highest good without violating guidelines of Akashic Records.

5. How are Akashic Records different from past life regression (PLR)?

The basic principle is different for both methods. Although in both you get insights from your past lives. During a past life regression session, a therapist/healer guides you to your past lives. You experience all good and bad memories. You often see yourself dying. You see your most traumatic incidents. You relive them. It is often a very painful experience to integrate.

On the other hand, in Akashic Records reading, the healer does the reading for you. Healer does the job of remembering the past. It is not painful for you. Instead, you get your answers in a much-sorted manner. Also, one of the biggest positive aspects of Akashic Records reading is that it is done under divine guidance. Your soul team, your healing team and your master, teachers and loved ones are present when this is performed. Which makes it a very divine guiding tool.

6. How is Akashic reading different from astrology?

Astrologers predict your life events based on your date, time and place. Akashic Readers receive information of your soul level truth. Akashic Records readers can access data beyond time and space. So going past, present and future is seamless.

Astrology is mostly consulted for future predictions, while Akashic Records are mostly focused on the root cause of the problem, hence focused in the past. Most beautiful aspect of Akashic reading is that it helps you connect the dots. It helps you see the bigger picture of life.

7. How will Akashic Records reading help me get rid of my issues?

As soon as the root cause comes to your awareness. You begin to shift from victim mode to empowered mode. When you realise that your life situation is just a reflection of your past actions. You start to deconstruct issues in a more mindful manner. You realise that there is no need to blame anyone for your life situations. You take responsibility for your life. And this shifts everything in your life!

8. Can anyone access my records without my permission?

No, each record is spiritually protected. Your freewill can not be violated, if you are not willing others to access your records, no one can access it. If anyone claims that they can access your family members or any other person’s record without a need of permission. They are not only violating the basic guideline of Akasha but also creating a deep karmic burden for you and themselves too.

You can protect your records by setting the intention “No one can access my records without my explicit permission”. This affirmation is more than enough to guard your records.

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